Nuzinger dance school

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At the beginning of 2014, I started working as a dance teacher at the Nuzinger dance school in Heidelberg.

After my ballroom dancing, videoclipdancing, and dance school owner days
this was the best thing that could have happened to me.

Not that the decades before that were bad - quite the contrary - but they were so
exhausting that the normal activity as an employed dance teacher seemed (almost) like a rest.

To be able to work in a great team of motivated employees and in such a renowned dance school
was and is an honor for me.
Many thanks to my dear colleagues, you are great!

If I stop now in 2024 at the latest and travel the world, I will have 33 years of dance lessons
and 38 years of dancing behind me...then it's also good.

You want to learn to dance in Heidelberg and the surrounding area?
Then there is only this choice:
Nuzinger dance school

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